Sunday, July 17, 2011

the breakup

Our journey started at the bottom of the desert mountain in the fall.
life giving rains watered the slopes we tread,
easy at first, then steep and steeper still
a loose rock here and there,
a rattlesnake across our path,
caused us to go on paths not marked
and my first taste of the agave.
we were on the move up, so no time to relish in the agave's beauty,
we continued to the unknown
then a landslide, we barely made it alive
we looked down and saw only rubble, where our journey started.

in the winter we were close to the top, basking in the warm winter days, holding each other close on the almost freezing desert nights.
times were hard during that dry spell, but we survived together.
we survived till the next rain.
the rain caused the agave to grow, and I uncontrolled drank deep and often.
it was not till my near death on a freezing night, that your loving words came through and touched my soul again.

when spring came we had been at the top for a while,
comfortable, settled,
it was just you and me again,
empty words
in a rut so deep we feared the next rain would drown us,
so we headed down,

steep at first, then it smoothed out
and we found ourselves on a gentle slope in the middle of a field of flowers,
gentle smell of mesquite,
the desert alive, and with it us
and I saw the agave but left it alone.

when summer came, we were more than half way down
thirsty for life,
looking for relief from the sun
the life that was once flowers and struggles to overcome together
was is now a brown dusty hell
burning our hearts
burning our souls

a burning so strong that
we see no beauty
we see no life
we see no us

death, if we stay

so you with your mesquite go left
and I follow the agave and go right.

thanks roscoe

sitting silent easy
inter-action hard.
loneliness in a group,..
that is me

you reach out in your way, but I not knowing what to say,
say nothing.

so I, distant, awkward, inept
feeling alone
don't reach out to your extended hand.

but I come back
again and again and again
slowly learning
how to say hi

I awkward know not what to do
i am different

i run away to my shell, to deep inside my mind, at the slightest discomfort

loneliness is safe
loneliness is me

loneliness in a room full of people
that want to know me,
seem to accept me,
talk to me
extend their hand to me
extend their hearts to me
acknowledge me
support me
and help me

and I the great outsider keep my barriers up,

but I come back
again and again and again
slowly learning
how to share parts of me.

you applaud in honesty
you applaud encouragement
you value me enough to know my name

when I fell you were there to pick me up

I am different and you are OK with my difference

and I come back
again and again and again.

truly grateful for
talking to me
applauding me in honesty and encouragement
knowing my name
extending your arm in friend ship
and sharing your heart