Tuesday, July 23, 2024


and one is alone in the crowd of his peers
conflict - full.

home life stress
social peer shit
So young to be bombarded with hard expectations 
he seeks escape

tears held under the surface
   no one sees his pain
    no one sees his pain
        no one sees his pain

he is alone.

alone in a crowd of his peers
family strife hidden deep

the tears dare not come

not now! 

not when he is at the mall with his friends

but one or two still fall.
The group ill-equiped to see the reason for the tear does nothing.

Young teens being young teens
Over exaggerating 
A little too loud

All help the one that feels alone
help him:
Feel like he is normal
Feel like he has friends
Feel like he is not alone

Mall closing soon, time to go

Crowd of his peers wait for their respective parent to scoop them home..

"tonight was fun"
"Did you see that freak she...'
"I know but couldn't say anything"
More hugs 
And the parents getting impatient tell their kid "just get in the car"

His crowd now gone he is left with only one other, his parents are not returning his calls/text and their location is over an hour away so he really has no way home.

but, One girls parents, give him a ride home,

he let slip one hint of his solution to his trauma,  but the parents did not hear it,

doesn't really matter,... they can't change his mind and  real conversation is not spoken between adult and child.

He lets three or four tears fall, but the back seat, where they both are, is dark and she is dead tired from the night of fun

she sees none of his fears, nor does she see the tears.

He just needs one word, one question about the tears, but no one looks, no one sees


He gets out of the car, and walks up to the dark house, turns back to see the girl one last time

but she in the back seat, does not look back to wave goodbye 


He opens the door to his empty house.

Tears deep inside begin to freely flow with each step to down the hall way.


no drugs left in his parents stash, and they found his and used it all up

no friends to help

this feeling must not live longer than this night.

Plan set
the tears finally stop
calm replaces the pain
Gentle music plays as he gets into the bath tub.

And he thinks this is not too bad.

He expected more pain from slicing his veins open..

The cold feeling as blood empty's from his body makes him feel 
