Monday, May 17, 2010


and one day
The jigsaw puzzle disappeared.

He worked hours on them, some a few hundred some a few thousand pieces, one had more pieces than I could calculate, but it measured 4 feet by 6 feet, it was an Old World Map.

I imagine him putting together pieces of the puzzles
the care in gluing on a back, making a custom frame and sealing the front as if it were a rare piece of art that needed to be restored and preserved.

So many pieces sought-for and placed, but not-a-one had feelings. They were all pieces of colored card board. Cardboard is so much more predictable than humans.

Working for hours on putting the little pieces of cardboard into a predefined pattern,

and relishing in the incredible accomplishment,

yet ignoring and hiding from the pieces of his life that really mattered,.....


.... his child.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. Such love and care invested in a mere thing and so little invested in a small human.

