Saturday, January 29, 2011


he is gone
some heart ache now, protects from heartache in the future

its for the best
we lie to ourselves,
he did not suffer

the mind protects itself from the horror
that is what we say when we see a smaller animal being ripped to shreds by a larger predator.

but we don't know,
so our mind protects itself from the horror

the thought that the smaller animal felt every bite,
felt the crushing power of jaws around its little body

"its for the best,"
"its life"
"he really didn't suffer"
it must have been quick

took only but 60 seconds,

and we forget that time slows down when we are in full adrenalin crisis.
as it must be for the small animal being killed by the larger one.

60 seconds must be an eternity to the one dying, fighting, ... for its life.

and so "its for the best, "
"he was the weakest one"
"its nature's way"
the dog did not mean to kill my cat
it was an accident

it must have been quick, I was gone for a short few minutes

and my mind feels the heartache of loss and protects itself from the horror of death to a pet so well loved, killed by another pet so well loved.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Yep, man. The ways we lie to ourselves, to make life bearable. But inside we know that no matter what we say, it is just is not so. All too often it really is only unmitigated, unbearable, unending agony.
