you know
contact people from the other side
Near death experiences
tea leafs
crystal balls
tarot cards
oui ja boards
I ended up here because I thought a woman that I thought was pretty asked me what time is it.
small talk pursued
and smiles
and her curling her hair with her finger
and her touching my arm when she laughed
and trading phone numbers
the first date was at my favorite restaurant
the date ended with chivalry and chastity
and a promise for another date
next Saturday she said
I said yes.
next day I shot her a text
suggested a movie or a play
she responded back "I'll pick the place"
just be at my apartment at 6:30pm
during the week I tried to get her to tell me what she had planned
and her reply was always the same
"you will enjoy yourself" be at my apartment at 6:30pm
I tried the ploy of "what should I wear?" formal, casual, BBQ?
she said anything comfortable
"you will enjoy yourself" be at my apartment at 6:30pm
so Saturday night finally gets here
I as instructed am ringing her door bell at 6:30pm
she invites me into her apartment
Only a few small lights are on
there are a few candles lit here and there
mellow music was playing
There was wine breathing in two glasses
and a fragrant incense burning
she is looking very beautiful in the romantic light of a flickering candle as we sip wine and eat some cheese and crackers she had set out before my arrival.
then a knock at the door, she says "come in" and a herd of people come rolling in through the door, loud chatter,
"ohhhh hi"
"so your her new man"
"your apartment looks great, I love the painting technique on the walls"
and so i find myself in a room full of people that want to talk to the dead.
I don't dis-believe, but I don't really want to spend my Saturday night with these people.
I was looking for relationship, camaraderie, life partner, love.
My mind was racing on how to get out of this, I did like the woman, so I wanted to see if we had something, so I did not want to be leave now and ruin my chances.
my thoughts were broken by someone asking me to ask the OuiJa board something.
I think to myself, this is so not me, and what a waste of time.
but after much thought and some push back from the group I came on the question:
"what should I do with my life?"
and in the background was some freak humming
and tea leaves being read
and the woman that I thought was beautiful was in this trance like state with her hand on the Planchette
I reluctantly do the same as do two others
then some says "the question has been asked, oh spirits in this room please guide this lost soul"
The planchette starts to move around randomly then stops on a letter, then randomly moves and stops on another letter, a fifth person is watching and recording the letters as it stops.
I am expecting some mumbo jumble of letters, that I am then to make into words, but I pay no attention to the letters i just am along for the ride waiting for this horrible night to be over.
Then the planchette moves off the board, and the person that started this spoke and said "wheh that was good, I really felt a strong spirit" and looks up to the fifth person and asks him to hand to me my answer.
I look at the piece of paper and saw what look like a jumble of letters, but then it became very clear to me the message.
the message was" Go find someone who likes what you like"
and with that I left her apartment
I like the twisty irony in this, yet what a straight forward common sense thing. Waiting for someone to tell you what you already know. Brilliant.