Monday, July 16, 2012

see reason

Like a germanword that looks like they just stuck a bunch of small words together.

And my picture is taken as I stare at the forbidden, most likely it will be on the news in minutes.

"exclusive footage" from the heros cell phone, then the store will release their survelance footage.

The newstations will broadcast non stop my facebook comments.

Hunt down my friends and coworkers and they will all say "I would have never guessed"
And as much as I try to deny or make the masses listen to logic it will be a futile waste.

If I am lucky an attention-whore atty will take pity and fight for my privacy, but that would be a career death sentence, he would never be able to get into politics with a smear like that on his record.
a black-mark where he tried to make people see reason,

"see reason" a crime so vile that generations ago the politicians outlawed such behavior and there have been many punished under the clandestine rules

Bruce lee
Jimmy Hoffa
All silenced because they wanted the masses, the people, those sheep watching the news.
They wanted the people to know the truth.

That news is not neutral they need to answer to the politicians.

And that politicians do what is in their career best interest, not caring about the country or its citizens.

They play with people's emotions and get the masses wanting action, then the politicians can be the hero and save society, knowing full well that the piece of legislation they fight for will have no positive affect on society.

The politician goes from one office to the next, hiding their indiscretions, while creating laws that feel good.

feel good, that is what the people want,
feel good, that is what TV brings to the people,
feel good, is not news - they must sensationalize the horror otherwise the political machine would have nothing to stand on a stump for.

And so like a german-word that looks like they just stuck a bunch of small words together, the society is a mash of long winded politicians with incomplete news and useless laws, with the peoples trying to figure out where one word begins and the other ends.

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