Monday, March 14, 2011


the image is burned into my very core,
every where I look I see it

when people talk I think of it
when I'm alone i long for it,

I play with fantasy of it during the day
intelligence is no match for the emotion

the computer screen shows it to me,
and blurs the spreadsheet that I am working on.

then for a moment, brief though it is, I get relief

I can think again, I can see the bright blue skies
I feel the loving hug from my family

and I feel regret and guilt

and it starts to come into view,
I try not to look at it

and I feel frustration and fear
and waves of hopelessness pound me

and it starts to call my name
and I try not to hear it

and I try to remember the love of my family
and I try to remember the happy times without it

but again everywhere I look I see it
there are no words to explain it

its image is burned into my core.


  1. To me transcendence comes out of your experience. You see the futility of something and the addiction drops.

  2. 6:30 pm made me chuckle. very clever.
