Sunday, May 20, 2012

pen bleeds

Everything that needs to be be said, has already been said.

and yet I write, ..
well I stare at a blank sheet of paper
and let my mind go

I know it has aready been said.
the pain
the hurt and sometimes joy,

a short story
a tale
a feeling

I know, everything that needs to be be said,... has, already been said.

and then it happens the blank page conspires with my pen
my pen screams for me,
I respond

I respond by
pushing my pen into the paper up to its braking point
it screams back wanting more
blobs of blue blood splatter as it rips the paper and bleeds even more
I wonder how much more it can take.

my newest blue friend,
knows that it must be,
for me,
what I can't be,
for me,

my hand cramping
but my blue friend has so much more life.

my intellect tries to stop the insanity of pain and blue blood,  tries to convince me that everything that needs to be said has already been said. intensifies the pain in my hand and says "you should stop", "Why burden yourself so?"

My blue friend bleeds still and wishes to not die yet,
Only in his death can he agree the cramping pain in my hand is real

my hand a slave to the real me,
trying to get the next emotion out
while my intellect uses logic to make me stop

but stopping means reality is crushed, and I can't allow that to happen
not while my blue friend still bleeds for me.

my grip so fused to my friend, he encourages me to write
one more word
one more phrase

We become one,.. and the words begin to flow

my great intellect gives in, and it sees that life is meaningless
meaningless without color,
meaningless without flavor
meaningless without emotion ,

Just because it has all been said before,
does not mean that is the ONLY way to say it,

we are different people at this time than ever before,
and things must be shared;
in today's world
using today's emotions
and most of all using today's words.

"a Punk"  is not decayed wood
"a faggot"   is not bunch of twigs and
"in a minute"  is  not 60 seconds,

not now at least, it once was,..
and that's why it matters!

The fear
the pain
the hate
the concern must cry out

cry out with, ..  my-words

my words that can make you cry

my words that cry with the tears of others
tears of blue blood
tears of the past
tears of the present

My words that can release the tears locked inside me.

things must be shared;
in today's world
using today's emotions
and most of all using today's words.


Because I can't cry,

unless my pen bleeds!

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