Saturday, June 11, 2011

private and public me

And why do I even bother,
damaged and beyond repair,
I had my chance but had the wrong people.
why do damaged people seek damaged people?

I have no focus
no desire
no reason to wake up

so I wander through the days doing what I am told is most urgent

no plan
no mission
no goals
just doing

outsiders think I get a lot done
think I lead my life
think i achieved my goals
think sometimes that i am wonderful
think i am a good man.

but my private self thinks the opposite
thinks I am lazy
thinks i am selfish
thinks I am uncaring
thinks I wander through life, certainly no lead it.
I waste so much time doing nothing there are no words or pictures to describe it.

My private self doesn't think I'm a sociopath
I care a little bit,
I don't set out to use people
but sometimes I do use people,
so maybe I am a sociopath

and then someone tells me,
"thanks for talking with me yesterday, I really needed that"
and another person said
"I took your advice, and I feel better than I have in years"
and another person said
"God has given you a gift, thank you for being part of my life"

so Maybe i am not a sociopath,

maybe I am just confused and lost,

and then I met a man that said
"we are not as bad as our private self, nor are we as good as our public self"

the private me sees a lazy looser
the public me portrays a confident helping soul

I wonder what the truth really is?

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