Thursday, April 12, 2018


And she says i gotta think,
How sad that she picks now to rhink, that should have happened  many many months ago,  but it is now too late to undo what has beem done.

They were together 12 years yesterday and their oldest child will be 11 in three months

But that does not seem to matter to her.

There are songs of women acting crazy, and shows on TV. But no o e ever thought it would happen to them.

As divorce happens ever so slowly so was this.  And the separation which started out so civil is quickly turning just short of violent.

And the 11 yr old, just wants to carch pok e mon,  but the apartmenrs where mom lives is too dangerois she says.

The 11 yr old does not inderstand why mom cant visit at dads house, thw hois they have lived in sonce the 11 yr old was 2.

Dad didnt change, dad doesnt have some mean man in his life, mom is so much different, the 11 yr old just doesnt understand . 

Strangers called mediators asking questions all the important meeting the mom and dad say very different things, its like they were not even in the same meeting

I just want to be 11 years old and have parents ever one else in my school has this fucked up life, i did not think it would happen to me.

I wonder if i did something to cause this

And and
I wonder how i can fix this.

I dont have the words to tell you how i feel, but it ia not good...

I am quiet any way so no one can tell how sad i really am.

I heard of this thing called suicide
And i wonder how people do it, sometimes on the news they say kids do it

I just wonder how to do it, cause i really dont want to go to my moms next weekend...

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