Saturday, May 8, 2010


The emptiness fills my existence, Again.

Routine has taken over, nothing matters,  I am going to die any way so why not today.

A slow stressful existence why is life so valued?

I kill nothing but eat
food is death consumed
but life has value??  how can it, if it is so short and useless,

The church has a bazaar-sale and the 10 yr old boy direct traffic as if it is important.
The raffle-ticket seller sells ticket
the junk of people's lives displayed for the price of 1, 2, or 5, sometimes more.
the kids run and play while the adults feel embarassed by their behavior.

And I am recognized as an outsider, and asked if I want to attend this church, other members uninvited to the conversation agree that this is a great place, "we have a great pastor", then others continue on, do you live in "the truth".

I turn away, thinking to myself, the glowing smiling faces of these people is sickening.

the bumper stickers say:
"prayer is the most important time"
"he loves you"
"its not a choice its a life"

that last one especially gets me,  so very easy to be a narrow minded opinionated individual, much harder to see life for what it is.
the single mom neglecting her child
the dad that beats his kids because he was beat
the drug addict that sells her 12 yr old to some man for a few bucks
the homeless child that was given life, only to have their parent abandon them.

Ignore the horrors but keep your opinions, 
go to church where other narrow minded indivduals can agree with you.
let your preacher tell you what to think
trust the bible has never changed languages nor that the meaning of words do not change over time.

I thank you, your stupidity gives me a reason to live; because I, in my opinionated way, will argue with you and talk to you until one day you too will see the truth. 

1 comment:

  1. Steve
    This is a great piece. That's a perfectly sound reason to go on living and resonates with me. When I first had suicidal thoughts at the age of 12 I reasoned that killing myself passed victory to the abuser, my parents and the children at school who tormented me.

    I chose to live so that one day I could tell the whole world the truth.

